Euroculture Advisory Committee

Starting in September 2025, Euroculture will install a new Advisory Committee. The function of this committee is to act as a soundboard for the Euroculture consortium and will provide strategic guidance, academic and professional oversight, and input on quality assurance. The Committee’s work helps to ensure that the programme maintains academic excellence, remains relevant to international standards, and aligns with both academic and professional sectors. It also supports the programme's goals of fostering intercultural competence, interdisciplinarity, and employability among its students. The Committee meets annually either in person or online, with additional consultations as needed. It offers concise, actionable recommendations to the Management Committee of the Consortium. It is comprised of at least the following members:

  • A member of the Tuning Academy (or comparable organisation)

  • A representative of the academic community

  • Two representatives from professional sectors

Committee membership is in principle for two years, and can be extended for one more period of two years.

The Praesidium confirms the members of the Advisory Committee after approval given by the Management Committee. 

The following members of the Advisory Committee have been appointed for the period 2025-2027: 

  • Prof. Dr. Robert Wagenaar

    Director International Tuning Academy / Professor of History and Politics of Higher Education at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Former President of the Euroculture Consortium.

    LinkedInStaff Page

  • Dr. Giacomo Orsini (Alumnus cohort 2010-2011)

    Postdoctoral Project Coordinator/Researcher of the Centre for the Social Study of Migration and Refugees (CESSMIR) at the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy of Ghent University and Maître de conferences (Senior Lecturer) for the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles

    LinkedInStaff Page

  • Dorottya Kósa, MA (Alumna cohort 2018-2020)

    Attaché for Youth Affairs at the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union, Brussels

    LinkedInAlumni Ambassador Page

  • Roberta Ragucci, MA (Alumna cohort 2017-2019)

    Co-founder and president Transformative Vision Europe, Brussels
