Staff Overview
Each Euroculture university has a dedicated coordinator and Director of Studies. The coordinator is your first point of contact for any information related to a specific Euroculture university. The Euroculture Secretariat in Groningen is also available for more general inquiries about the programme as well as all matters related to the payment of tuition fees and the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
Consortium Secretariat and Euroculture Groningen:
Director of Studies: Margriet van der Waal (m.c.van.der.waal@rug.nl) & Senka Neuman-Stanivukovic (S.Neuman-Stanivukovic@rug.nl)
Course and Consortium Manager + General Inquiries : Jelmer Herms (euroculture@rug.nl)
Course and Consortium Manager + Study Advice: Marloes van der Weij (m.van.der.weij@rug.nl)
Euroculture Göttingen:
Director of Studies: Simon Fink (simon.fink@sowi.uni-goettingen.de)
Course Manager: Marc Arwed Rutke (marc-arwed.rutke@uni-goettingen.de )
Assistant Course Manager: Saskia Lachmann (eurocult@uni-goettingen.de)
Assistant Course Manager: Vivian Hube (eurocult@uni-goettingen.de)
Euroculture Strasbourg:
Director of Studies: Daniel Meyer (daniel.meyer@u-pec.fr)
Course Manager: Valentin Haumesser (v.haumesser@unistra.fr)
Euroculture Olomouc:
Director of Studies: Antonín Kalous (antonin.kalous@upol.cz)
Coordinator: Hana Ferencová (hana.ferencova@upol.cz)
Course Coordinator: Jitka Kohoutova (jitka.kohoutova@upol.cz)
Euroculture Udine:
Director of Studies: Claudio Cressati (claudio.cressati@uniud.it)
Course Manager: Emma Gustafson (euroculture@uniud.it)
Euroculture Uppsala:
Director of Studies: Tobias Andersson (tobias.andersson@teol.uu.se)
Course Manager: Cameron Ross (cameron.ross@teol.uu.se)
Euroculture Kraków:
Director of Studies: Zdzislaw Mach (zdzislaw.mach@uj.edu.pl)
Course Manager: Agnieszka Zajączkowska Drożdż (agnieszka.zajaczkowska@uj.edu.pl / euroculture@uj.edu.pl)
Schedule an Online Meeting
The Euroculture Consortium Secretariat is available for general inquiries during weekdays. Response times for messages directed at euroculture@rug.nl should usually be limited to two work days. We ask all prospective inquirers to carefully check our website for more information related to the Euroculture programme before making an online or physical appointment request.