Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - Strasbourg 2024
BIP: Virtual Component
What is a BIP?
The BIP is a program funded by the International Relations Office of the Université de Strasbourg as part of the 'Erasmus+ Hybrid Intensive Programs' Action.
Blended Integrated Programs bring together scholars for a short-term physical mobility abroad (5 days minimum) combined with a compulsory virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning, knowledge exchange and teamwork. For their travel to and accommodation in Strasbourg, the participants must apply for an Erasmus+ mobility grant from their institution.
Our BIP is officially titled “Euroculture Intensive Programme 2024 (Theme: Dissonant Heritage and European Citizenship)”. It is grouped under the category “Participation in democratic life”.
BIP Conditions
Attendance of the online session in June
Attendance of at least 5 days during the physical mobility in Strasbourg, starting with the arrival and first welcome event on Monday, July 1st and ending on Saturday, July 6th
Note: It is of crucial importance that all BIP participants are present and available for all elements of the BIP. There are direct financial consequences to unwarranted absences that we want to avoid. Your cooperation in the BIP is therefore very much appreciated.
BIP: Week Schedule
What are the dates of this BIP?
Our 90-minute online session, for which the participation of all BIP participants is mandatory, is schedule for the end of June. More information on the exact date will be communicated to participants shortly.
The physical mobility of our BIP coincides with the week of the Euroculture Intensive Programme 2024 (within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Euroculture Master’s Degree), namely July 1st to July 7th 2024.
What is the schedule for the week?
Monday, July 1
Tuesday, July 2 (Morning)
Opening Speeches 9:30 – 10:00 (ENGEES, Lecture room “Eau”)
Alexandre Kostka (Université de Strasbourg)
Mathieu Schneider (Vice-President Université de Strasbourg)
Ioannis Ktistakis (Greek Judge, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg)
Keynote Lectures on Dissonant Heritage 10:00 – 12:00 (ENGEES, Lecture room “Eau”)
Chair: Samim Akgönül (Université de Strasbourg)
1: “Gaza – Comments on the Current Situation” 10:00 – 10:45
David Ranan (Fellow, Birkbeck, University of London)
2: “Putin’s Memory Politics” 10:45 – 11:30
Dina Kapaeva (Georgiatech, Atlanta, and University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies, USIAS)
Discussion 11:30 – 12:00
Lunch 12:30
Wednesday, July 3 (Afternoon)
Behind the Scenes of (Dissonant) Patrimonialization 14:30 – 17:00 (Meeting Place: Ateliers de la Fondation de l’Oeuvre Notre Dame, 6 rue des Cordiers)
Making Dissonant Heritage Sites Visible Christiane Weber (University of Stuttgart)
“The Picturesque and the Dissonant: The Nazi Staging of the Surrounds of the Cathedral, 1940-44, and Their Afterlife” Alexandre Kostka (Université de Strasbourg)
“The Workshop of the Cathedral of Strasbourg: A Hidden UNESCO World Heritage Site” Sabine Bengel (Fondation de l’Oeuvre Notre Dame)
Thursday, July 4
Approaches of Dissonant Heritage 9:00 – 12:00 (ENGEES, Lecture room “Eau”)
Chair: Dina Kapaeva (Georgiatech, Atlanta, and University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies, USIAS)
Protection or Destruction of Dissonant Heritage: German Colonial Architecture in Samoa Christoph Schnoor (Unitec, Auckland, Invited Scholar Grant Holder)
“Memory Laws – To Protect or to Censor Dissonant Heritage?” Nikolay Koposov (Georgiatech, Atlanta, and University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Studies, USIAS)
Dissonant Heritage: Minorities, Urban Memories, and Toponymy in Istanbul, Athens, and Strasbourg Samim Akgönül (Université de Strasbourg)
Lunch 12:30
Friday, July 5
Excursion: “Europe – Dissonant Heritage Reconciled?” 13:00 – 17:00
13:00: Meeting at “Lieu d’Europe”, opposite Tram stop “Böcklin”
Visit of the European Quarter (Agora Building, Council of Europe, European Court ofHuman Rights) with explanations by historians of architecture Gauthier Bolle and Volker Ziegler (both ENSAS, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg)
15:00: Visit to the European Parliament
Note: Previous registration with the IP coordination is necessary; a valid ID is compulsory to enter the buildings of the Council of Europe and the European
N.B.: If you take on multiple roles at the Euroculture IP (e.g. as a tutor or MCM participant while also coming to Strasbourg within the framework of the BI), please be advised that the IP always has priority in case BIP events overlap with IP Sessions or the MCM. However, you are required to attend the BIP events that you can make it to.
15:00 Welcome speech on behalf of the University of Strasbourg and the Faculty of Language by the Dean and co-Director of Studies, Prof. Dr. Thomas Mohnike (5 min)
15:05 Introduction activity/Ice breaker in order for participants to get acquainted in accordance with the BIP theme (10 min)
15:15 Introduction to BIP Logistics by Julia Meyer, Head organiser of the 2024 Euroculture (B)IP (10 min)
15:25 Q&A on BIP week logistics (5 min)
15:30 Presentation of the topic of “Dissonant heritage” with specific link to the situation of the border region of Alsace Lorraine by Prof. Dr. Alexandre Kostka, Historian and Director of Studies of the Erasmus Mundus Master “Euroculture” in Strasbourg (45 min)
16:15 Exchange with the audience, using the "Slido" program (15 min)
16:30 End of the virtual BIP component
BIP Specifics for Euroculture 2024
BIP Name: Euroculture Intensive Programme 2024 (Theme : Dissonant Heritage and European Citizenship)
BIP ID: 2023-1-FR01-KA131-HED-000119246-1
Department: Faculté des Langues at the University of Strasbourg
Université de Strasbourg
Faculté des langues
Bâtiment LE PATIO
22 rue René Descartes
67000 Strasbourg Cedex
Contact person at the receiving institution:
Dr. Alexandre KOSTKA (UMR 7363 SAGE)
UFR LSHA, 22, rue Descartes, 67000 Strasbourg
Virtual component: Thursday, June 20th 2024 (see below)