
on Brain Drain

SNSPA in Bucharest, Romania and online

JUNE 20TH 2024 10:00-15:00 GMT+3
Event organised under the patronage of the European Parliament

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In 2021, 32% of EU movers possessed a high level of education, compared to 28% in 2016, indicating a growing trend of skilled migration within Europe. This migration trend is supported by push factors which are particularly strong in Central and Eastern European countries, such as structural youth unemployment, poor education systems, and political instability. In receiving countries in the West, pull factors like higher living standards and better job opportunities abroad attract skilled individuals, preserving a cycle of brain drain in the East, and brain gain in the West.

Romania, in particular, stands out as the European country most affected by talent emigration, with a significant shortage of researchers and medical workers. In 2017, the percentage of highly-educated Romanians living abroad increased by 144% compared to 2008. The most recent estimates show that 4 million Romanians live abroad, meaning that almost 20% of the people born in Romania no longer live in the country. The consequences of brain drain extend beyond economic implications, exacerbating regional disparities within the European Union and contributing to demographic challenges such as shrinking working-age populations and aging societies. Moreover, brain drain perpetuates a mentality within society where emigration of talented professionals becomes normalised, discouraging investment in home countries and limiting overall development and progress.

Against this backdrop, Bucharest becomes the perfect city to host the "Bridging the Gap: From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation" conference. As the capital of Romania and a mirror to the challenges facing the CEE region, Bucharest provides a fitting meeting point for policymakers and experts to share best practices for reversing the tide of brain drain and promote sustainable development in Europe.


Central and Eastern Europe are facing an ongoing "brain drain" crisis,  with a significant number of skilled professionals choosing to leave their home countries. This trend drains human resources from their countries of origin, weakening economic stability and social cohesion. As populations across Central and Eastern Europe continue to shrink, the need for a strategic response becomes more urgent.

In this context, we are proud to present "Bridging the Gap: From Brain Drain to Brain Circulation" a hybrid conference organised entirely by Master's students from the Erasmus Mundus MA in Euroculture at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Scheduled for 20th of June 2024 in Bucharest, Romania, this event aims to redefine the migration narrative, focusing on sustainable strategies to transform brain drain into brain circulation.

The event will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders — including academics, policymakers, and practitioners — to explore multifaceted solutions from an economic, education, business and policy perspective to encourage the retention and return of talent. As Eastern European students who have chosen to study abroad, each member of our team is personally connected with this topic and committed to bringing youth into the conversations which shape European regional challenges. Our interdisciplinary, research-driven background allows us to engage with diverse stakeholders, including fellow students, scholars and policymakers. 


Welcome Coffee & Registration

A concise introduction of the context, impact and implications.

Perspectives from Europe


Official Opening

Youth Perspectives Panel

Project Spotlight: Vino Acasă. Proiectul pentru Diaspora



Brain Drain

Lunch Break

Brain Circulation



Speaker: Cireșica Feyer Deputy Head of Unit, Labour Market, Education, Health and Social Services, DG REFORM, European Commission

Speaker: Laurențiu GAGU Principal Expert for International Communication and Cooperation Ministry of Investment and European Projects

Coffee Break

Expert Insights & Policy Solutions Panel


Speaker: Prof. Dr. Emil Constantinescu President of Romania 1996-2000

EU Mechanisms: the Technical Support Instrument

Talent return. Governmental initiatives in Romania



Speaker: Arthur Corazza Policy Officer. Cohesion, Economy & Social Affairs Secretariat-General. European Commission


Speaker: Thomas Campaner






  • Cireșica Feyer Deputy Head of Unit, Labour Market, Education, Health and Social Services, DG REFORM, European Commission

  • Laura Florea Vice President of Romanian Business Leaders Foundation

  • Simina Tulbure Member in the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament (REPER)

  • Conf.univ.dr. Crina Rădulescu Vice Rector International Relations SNSPA Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator

Moderated by: TUDOR MUȘAT

The location


Meet the Team

  • Maria Pirvu

    Organisation & Contracts

  • Andreea Mirea

    Content & Agenda

  • Ana Boyadjieva

    Communications & Tech

We are Masters students from the Erasmus Mundus MA in Euroculture at Jagiellonian University. As international students with Eastern European backgrounds, we understand that while we are among the ones that left, we can also be part of the solution.

With the organisational support of

Under the Patronage of

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