Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
Why start Euroculture in Göttingen?
Euroculture Göttingen profits from a rich academic culture and a lively student town which offers both great infrastructures for classwork and research and a valuable cultural offer. The university sports facilities, for example, is one of the largest in the country with over 100 kinds of sports.
Founded in 1737, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is a research university of international fame with strong focuses in research-led teaching. The University stands out by the granted diversity of its subject spectrum particularly in the humanity field with its excellent facilities for the pursuit of scientific research, and the outstanding quality of the areas that define its profile. In the past there have been 45 Nobel laureates whose names are associated with the city and who could certainly as well as we do now, enjoy the University Library. The latter was founded in 1734 and was the first modern research library which now holds approx. 9 million items and is open until midnight during the week and 22 o’clock on weekends.
Excursion to Hannover – visiting the Parliament of Lower Saxony and European Information Center
Thematic Focus
At Georg-August-Universität Göttingen we understand Euroculture as an approach to examine Europe in an inspiring multidisciplinary context considering both its crises and continuities, together with its exchanges as well as collaboration and co-habitation. Based in the Institute of Political Sciences, Euroculture is run by six Departments at three Faculties: Political Science, Sociology (Social Sciences), English Philology/North American Studies, German Philology, History (Humanities) and Theology. The structure of Euroculture allows students to develop their individual profiles and to specialize to certain areas, according to their personal and academic interests.
The University Georgia-Augusta has a long tradition in interactive and research-based learning which applies also to the Euroculture programme where students are encouraged to actively participate in class and to collaborate in group-work.
In addition to the mandatory courses, the University of Göttingen offers a broad range of language and soft skills courses that can be attended by Euroculture students free of charge.
Versatile extracurricular activities are one of the key features in Göttingen
Course Catalogue:
You can find the Course Catalogue here.
You can use your student card for much more than your ID.
You can use it to rent of workrooms and get books at the libraries or you can pay at the canteens and get your student discount. Another great option is that you can travel with local passenger trains free of charge in Lower Saxony, Bremen, and Hamburg. Additionally, the student card gives you access to the culture scene of Göttingen you can visit concerts, theater performances and other cultural events free of charge.
Starting date of the academic year: October 1st
Living in Göttingen:
The international Office has created an accommodation guide for students. You can also contact the Accomodation Service of the University for assistance.
If you are in special need, want to use the universities counselling facilities or need assistance of any kind, please contact the facilities directly or ask us.
The list of language classes and sports is updated each semester. The university offers a fitness studio with over 1000qm training space and as well as a climbing center.
Estimation per month (housing, food, other expenses): €550-€650
EMJMD „Euroculture – Society, Politics and Culture in a Global Context“
Institute of Political Science @ Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, OEConomicum 1.120
37073 Göttingen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 551-39-26381
Email: eurocult@uni-goettingen.de
Website EuCuGoe: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/euroculture
Twitter / Snapchat & TikTok: @eucugoe
Instagram: Euroculture Goettingen #eucugoe
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/EurocultureGoettingen
Facebook Group: Euroculture Goettingen
Euroculture Goettingen on Linkedin: http://de.linkedin.com/groups/Euroculture-Goettingen-4539665
Recognition Status
Name of Institution: Georg-August- Universität Göttingen
Name of the degree awarded: Master of Arts Euroculture
Accredited by: National Authorities