Professional Placements
The list below contains a sample overview of placement providers with which Euroculture students have undertaken their Professional Placement over the course of six recent Euroculture editions (specifically: 2016-18, 2017-19, 2018-20, 2019-21, 2020-22, and 2021-23).
This information is based on the most recent alumni survey, performed in 2025 on a total of 522 Euroculture alumni. Please note that this is not a complete overview of all placements pursued during this period. The below table breaks down not only the names of the placement providers, but also whether their placements were followed in the public or private domain, in what sector the placement took place, and in what country the placement took place.
A wide degree of diversity can be observed across all of these four columns. Students commonly find placements in Politics and International Relations (inside and outside the European Institutions), in Arts & Culture, in Social Affairs, and more. Placements have been pursued in well over thirty different countries, with hundreds of different institutions.
Placement Provider | Domain | Sector | Country |
AEC Brussel | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
Centre Culturel Franco-Allemande (CCFA) in Karlsruhe, Germany | NGO | Arts & Culture | Germany |
Centre Européen Robert Schuman, Scy-Chazelles | NGO | Arts & Culture | France |
EUNIC Brussels/Finnish Institute Benelux, Brussels | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
European Cultural Centre, Venice | NGO | Arts & Culture | Italy |
European Cultural Fondation, Amsterdam | NGO | Arts & Culture | Netherlands |
European Documentation Centre Cardiff University | NGO | Arts & Culture | United Kingdom |
European Festivals Association, Brussels | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
European Festivals Associations (Brussels - Belgium) | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
European Film Academy | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
European Historic Houses, Brussels | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
Festival Academy Brussels | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
Francuski Institut u Sarajevo | NGO | Arts & Culture | Serbia |
French Alliance of the city of Edmoton, Canada. | NGO | Arts & Culture | Canada |
Interarts Barcelona | NGO | Arts & Culture | Spain |
Momentum Novum Heidelberg (+ extra voluntary placement at the Giga Insitute for Latin American Studies) | NGO | Arts & Culture | Germany |
Musee Strasbourg | NGO | Arts & Culture | France |
Re-Imagine Europe, Stichting Paradiso Amsterdam | NGO | Arts & Culture | Netherlands |
Royal Library in Brussels (KBR) | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
Smithsonian Institution | NGO | Arts & Culture | United Kingdom |
Sonic Acts, Amsterdam | NGO | Arts & Culture | Netherlands |
Team Kulturhauptstadtbewerbung (Team Application Capital of Cultures), Landeshauptstadt Hannover | NGO | Arts & Culture | Germany |
The Festival Academy, Brussels | NGO | Arts & Culture | Belgium |
Deutsche Welle | NGO | Communications & Media | Germany |
Deutsche Welle, Hungarian Team | NGO | Communications & Media | Hungary |
Die Zeit Verlag, Hamburg | NGO | Communications & Media | Germany |
Eurozine, Vienna | NGO | Communications & Media | Austria |
GIZ, Deutrsche Gesellschaft fur Intern. Zusammenarbeit, Eschborn | NGO | Communications & Media | Germany |
Kultura Communicacion y Desarollo, Baracaldo Spain | NGO | Communications & Media | Spain |
Mediamatic | NGO | Communications & Media | Netherlands |
Sendefähig GmbH, Bremen | NGO | Communications & Media | Germany |
New Frontier Services | Private | Consultancy / Marketing / PR | Belgium |
Ars Electronica, Vienna | Private | Corporate | Austria |
China Travel Service Arctic AB, Stockholm | Private | Corporate | Sweden |
Heineken | Private | Corporate | Netherlands |
JobLeads GmbH | Private | Corporate | Germany |
NN Group | Private | Corporate | Netherlands |
TNW Amsterdam | Private | Corporate | Netherlands |
Victorage, China | Private | Corporate | China |
American International School of Zagreb | NGO | Education | Croatia |
Cervantes Institute | NGO | Education | Spain |
DAAD, Mexico City | NGO | Education | Mexico |
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), Groningen | Government | Education | Netherlands |
Education GmbH | Government | Education | Germany |
German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn | NGO | Education | Germany |
Instituto Cervantes, Manchester, Great Britain | NGO | Education | United Kingdom |
International Centre for Development and Training, Bulgaria | NGO | Education | Bulgaria |
International Office, University of Vigo | NGO | Education | Greece |
Kiron Open Higher Education | NGO | Education | Germany |
Neth-ER, Brussels | NGO | Education | Belgium |
EKO Energy Finland | Private | Environment | Finland |
Kairos, UK | NGO | Environment | United Kingdom |
Life Terra Amsterdam | NGO | Environment | Netherlands |
Safe Food Advocacy Europe | NGO | Environment | Belgium |
Assembly of European Regions, Brussels | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Blue Book Traineeship with EACEA, Brussels | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Council of Europe | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Council of Europe, the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes in Strasbourg | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Council of the European Union | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
DGA, General Secretariat of the Council of the EU, Brussels, Belgium | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Eu Delegation in Brazil | Government | European Institutions | Brazil |
EU-Chancellery at the Prime Ministers Office in Stockholm, Sweden | Government | European Institutions | Sweden |
European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra (Italy) | Government | European Institutions | Italy |
European Parliament | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
European Parliament (Office of MEP of 5 Star Movement) | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Gen. secretariat Council of the EU | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
General Secretariat, Council of the EU | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / Research Track Krakow | Government | European Institutions | Poland |
Permanent Mission of Portugal to the UN | Government | European Institutions | Portugal |
Permanent Representation of Germany to the EU, Unit for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands at the EU in Brussels, Department of Interior and Kingdom Relations | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
Ständige Vertretung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bei der Europäischen Union, Belgium | Government | European Institutions | Belgium |
German Marshall Fund in Brussels | NGO | Finance / Economics | Germany |
UNIDO | NGO | Finance / Economics | Belgium |
“German Corporation for International Cooperation” in Bonn, at the office/ project “Community of Practice for Sustainable Urban Development – Connective Cities” |
NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Germany |
Läkare i världen (Doctors of the World), Stockholm | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Sweden |
One Family Foundation | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Netherlands |
OSCE ODIHR | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Poland |
Rapatac | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Sweden |
Swedish Forum for Human Rights | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Sweden |
UNESCO | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Belgium |
Uninted Nations, High Commisioner Human Right, Geneva | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Switzerland |
Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF), Berlin | NGO | International Development / Humanitarian Work | Germany |
ICC Netherlands | Government | Legal Affairs | Netherlands |
Bratislava Region, Brussels Office | Government | Politics & International Relations | Slovakia |
Danish Embassy | Government | Politics & International Relations | Denmark |
Danish Embassy Mexico | Government | Politics & International Relations | Mexico |
Directorate-General Communication and Information - Digital Communication Unit - COMM 1C of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU | Government | Politics & International Relations | Belgium |
Directorate-General Organizational Development and Services - Organizational Development Unit of the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU | Government | Politics & International Relations | Belgium |
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Forcegroup Brexit, The Hague | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy Division (DVB/VD), The Hague, The Netherlands | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Dutch Royal Embassy, Riga, Latvia | Government | Politics & International Relations | Latvia |
Embassy of Netherlands in Canberra, Australia | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
EMI, Brussel | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Belgium |
EUREGIO Enschede Gronau | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Germany |
Finnish Representation of Unesco in Paris. | Government | Politics & International Relations | France |
Foreign Affairs, The Hague, Dpt. CPK: Coordination, Production and Quality | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
French Embassy | Government | Politics & International Relations | France |
General Directorate of the United Nations, Madrid | Government | Politics & International Relations | Spain |
German Embassy in Washington | Government | Politics & International Relations | United States |
German-Southeast Center of Exc. forPublic Policy and Good Governance, Thailand/Cuprus | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Germany |
Inst for Cultural Diplomacy Berlin | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Germany |
Interdisciplinary Institute for the Relations between European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, Brussels | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Belgium |
International Public Policy Association (IPPA) | NGO | Politics & International Relations | France |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Taskforce Cyber, The Hague | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Municipality of Groningen | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Political Party: CDA (Office of Dutch MP Anne Kuik) | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Public Affairs, The Hague | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
Royal Thai Embassy at the Permanent Mission of Thailand to the UN in Vienna | Government | Politics & International Relations | Austria |
The Centre for International Relations (CIR), Warsaw, Poland | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Poland |
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bureau Migration Policy, The Hague | Government | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
The Netherlands Embassy in Astana, the Republic of Kazakhstan | Government | Politics & International Relations | Kazakhstan |
UK Government (in the Department for Exiting the EU) | Government | Politics & International Relations | United Kingdom |
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Tokyo Liaison Office, Japan | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Japan |
VNG International | NGO | Politics & International Relations | Netherlands |
EUROPEUM Institute of European Policy, Brussels | NGO | Research | Belgium |
IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences), Brussels | NGO | Research | Belgium |
Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS), Amsterdam | NGO | Research | Netherlands |
Clingendael The Hague | NGO | Research | Netherlands |
European Union Experts | NGO | Research | Belgium |
Europeum Institute for European Policy | NGO | Research | Belgium |
Global Research Forum on Diaspora nd Transnationalism, New Delhi, IN/Philippines | NGO | Research | India |
Goethe Institute | Government | Research | Germany |
International Association of Universities | NGO | Research | Belgium |
Placement at European Academy Bayern, Munich | NGO | Research | Germany |
Pleho Institute of Research, Language and Culture | NGO | Research | Poland |
Swiss Forum on Foreign Policy: Foraus - Forum Aussenpolitik in Zurich | NGO | Research | Switzerland |
Think Tank near Tokyo, Research on Sustainable Development Goals in Asia/Europe | NGO | Research | Japan |
Centre for European Security Studies, Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung | NGO | Security & Anti-Terrorism | Belgium |
FINABEL, Brussels | NGO | Security & Anti-Terrorism | Belgium |
Über den Tellerrand e.V., Frankfurt a.M., Germany | NGO | Social Affairs | Germany |
ALDA- European Association for Local Democracy | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
Atria: Knowledge institute for Equality and Women's History | NGO | Social Affairs | Netherlands |
Boltzmann Institute für Menschenrechte, Vienna | NGO | Social Affairs | Austria |
Civic Initiatives, Belgrade | NGO | Social Affairs | Serbia |
Community Building Mitrovica (CBM) | NGO | Social Affairs | Kosovo |
EEPA (Europe External Action Programme with Africa) | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
European Movement International | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
Foundation for Africa | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
GIRP - European Healthcare Distribution Association | Private | Social Affairs | Belgium |
Humanistisch Verbond | NGO | Social Affairs | Netherlands |
Initiatives for International Dialogue | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
Institute of Minority Rights, Bolzano | NGO | Social Affairs | Italy |
Sport and citizenship think tank | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
The Peace Factory, Tel Aviv | NGO | Social Affairs | Israel |
Transform Europe | NGO | Social Affairs | Belgium |
World Resources Institute, Mexico City, Mexico | NGO | Social Affairs | Mexico |
Nintendo of Europe | Private | Software Development | United Kingdom |