Université de Strasbourg, France

Why start Euroculture in Strasbourg?

Solidly anchored in the European Higher Education Area, the University of Strasbourg, a beating heart of the Alsatian metropolis with its 55,000 students (of which more than 20% come from abroad), has the potential to face the challenging international competition. In addition, “Unistra” is in close collaboration with neighbor Universities, especially in Germany and Switzerland. 

The international dimension is fundamental for the University of Strasbourg and thanks to the world-wide reputation of its research teams, built on excellence and efficiency, it emerges among Europe's foremost research universities. Each of the University's main academic fields of instruction is based upon research sections that are the driving force of the institution, with over 2,600 professors and staff. .

Euroculture at the University of Strasbourg is hosted by the Faculty of Languages.  The program is also closely tied to the prestigious SAGE (Society, Actors, Government in Europe) research laboratory, where mainly sociologists, historians and political scientists work on “Europe” and organize countless scientific and cultural events each year. 

Thematic Focus

By virtue of its location in a city on the highly symbolic Franco-German border, which is host to several European institutions, organisations, and museums, Euroculture Strasbourg offers two axes of specialist study in line with the areas of expertise of its teaching staff:

  • The institutions of European integration, most notably the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, and the European Parliament

  • Transnational cultural cooperation and shared cultural heritage and cultural studies, including Human and Minority rights.

In both axes, academics will be joined by our associated professionals working in these domains. Courses involving the thematic focus of the programme may* include:

  • Course: European Cultural History

  • Course: Human Rights in the European Context

  • Course: Minorities, Immigrants and Cinema.

*Please note that the course offers is subject to change every academic year, and may be updated.


Course Catalogue: 
Euroculture Strasbourg provides more information on their offered course structure on their website.

Housing can be arranged through the university, which would make the monthly living costs a lot lower.

Living Costs:
Estimation per month (housing, food, other expenses): €700-€800

Starting date of the academic year
14 September


Faculté des Langues
Université de Strasbourg
22, rue René Descartes
F – 67084 Strasbourg Cedex, France

Email: euroculture.strasbourg@unistra.fr
Phone: (+33) 03 68 85 66 48  (Valentin Haumesser, Coordinator)
Website: Euroculture Strasbourg
Facebook: Facebook Page

Recognition Status

  • Name of Institution: Université de Strasbourg

  • Name of the degree awarded: Master European Studies /Euroculture

  • Accredited by: Accreditation Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research