Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Why start Euroculture in Udine?
Founded in 1978, the University of Udine rapidly established a national and international reputation as one of the most innovative and complete medium-sized Italian research universities. It offers a wide range of education programmes in tune with the changes in society and with the development of new professions.
Located at the crossroads of Latin, Germanic and Slavic cultures, the University of Udine promotes staff and student exchange programmes for teaching and research, joint actions for higher education, and collaborations with foreign economies. Its international dimension is favoured by the enlargement process of the EU and is distinguished by new projects, which have decisive implications for a large area.
Among these projects, the Euroculture programme is certainly one of the most important, representing the ideal environment for the creation and the enhancement of joint study, research and training activities and providing the strong culture of excellence that is the basis of the university mission.
Promotional Video Udine University
Thematic Focus
Pooling together the expertise of academics from various Departments, the programme offers an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research in the field of European cultural, historical and political studies.
Due to its position and to the history of its territory, the programme in Udine has got a regional focus on Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the Mediterranean, with a specific insight on the issues of cultural identity, EU enlargement and integration, regional policies and cross-border cooperation. However, the academic offer is also further enriched with peculiar insights on human rights, cinema studies and legal subjects.
The academic culture in Udine is mostly focused on active research, both on individual and group levels. Group activities, in particular, are considered relevant in order to create group identity both among the students as well as between students and teachers. The Euroculture programme at the University of Udine aims at involving local institutions and at developing interculturality and interdisciplinarity.
Experience Master Euroculture Udine
Course Catalogue
An overview of the course structure can be found here.
University departments connected to the MA programme Euroculture:
Department of Law, in cooperation with the Departments of Humanities,
Economics, Modern Languages and Communication.
Starting date of the academic year
First Monday of October
Information on the accommodation will be provided by the Euroculture Udine office to students upon their registration.
The International Student Service (ISS) of the University of Udine is the administrative reference point for the Euroculture incoming host students in Udine.
Living Costs
Estimation per month (housing, food, other expenses): €500-€600
Master Erasmus Mundus Euroculture
Università degli Studi di Udine
Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche
Via Treppo 18, 33100 Udine, Italy
Email: euroculture@uniud.it
Phone: +39 0432 556706 or 556708
Website: https://www.uniud.it/it/didattica/formazione-post-laurea/master/alta-formazione/area-manageriale-giuridica/euroculture
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MasterEurocultureUdine/
Recognition status
Name of Institution: Università degli Studi di Udine
Name of the degree awarded: Master of Arts in Euroculture
Accredited by: Under Italian law the university is entitled to establish programmes by it self. The programme has been officially recognised by the University Senate and Board of Directors.