Euroculture Track Choices

Option I: Professional Track

Professional Placement

The key component of the Professional Track is the work placement (or internship). This placement is follows up the Eurocompetence I and II modules. The placement is designed to link previously acquired theoretical knowledge, skills and understanding with practical experience. The placement must last at least 4 months and is awarded with 25 ECTS upon successful completion. 

Students have to secure a placement themselves, with certain guidance from their coordinators as well as Eurocompetence I tutors. The work placement can be done with an organization of student's choice. However, the work they are doing has to be relevant for their Euroculture studies.

Each degree-awarding Euroculture partner university (i.e., FP) provides a placement supervisor who assists with the process of conducting the placement. Upon completing the placement, the student is required to prepare a report which is assessed by the organisation offering the placement and the second university offering the Joint Degree.

A sample list of placements pursued by students over the past 6 editions can be found here.

Option II: Academic Track

The Euroculture Academic Track follows up on the second-semester Research Seminars and (if relevant) the student’s Intensive Programme paper. The Academic Track offers the opportunity to deepen the student’s theoretical knowledge, skills and understanding, and preferably relates to the student’s MA thesis topic. The track takes place during the 3rd semester. Within the Academic Track, several choices are offered.

1) Academic Track Inside Europe: Academic Placement

As part of the academic placement, students design a personalized research plan in cooperation with the offering university and attempt to match this plan with ongoing research projects relevant to the Euroculture programme.

A sample list of placements pursued by students over the past 6 editions can be found here.

2) Academic Track Inside Europe: Research-Based Courses

As part of the research-based course offer, students attend advanced research seminars on topics related to their interests. With some universities, this seminar offer is supplemented with a smaller academic placement.

The research seminar offer is dependent on the offering university’s course offer, and is communicated in advance of the semester through a booklet.

3) Academic Track Outside Europe

The Academic Track outside Europe consists of modules adding up to 25 ECTS credits which can be followed at one of the four non-European partner universities of the Consortium: 1) UNAM in Mexico City, Mexico, 2) Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, 3) The University of Hyderabad in India, 4) The University of Osaka in Japan.

Note: A limited number of spaces is available each year for the Academic Track outside Europe. First-year students may apply for this track during semester two. The application process consists of:

  1. Indicating two of the four non-European partner universities of the Consortium (UNAM, Queen’'s, Hyderabad or Osaka) where the student wants to complete the Academic Track.

  2. Motivating the choice for each of the two universities, indicating how the programme at the chosen non-European partner university will contribute to the student’s research aspirations.

Placement for the Academic Track outside Europe is not guaranteed, as there are a limited number of spaces available. Based on the quality of the motivations of each applicant, a maximum of 20 students are selected and placed with one of two universities of their choice.